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Baltimore Burglaries Could Be Targeting AAPI Business Owners

Police believe that burglars in Baltimore County, Maryland, have been targeting Asian American business owners.

According to CBS News, detectives believe that burglars, most likely from organized crime groups, are breaking into the homes of Asian American business owners to steal cash and valuables.

“A lot of times these business owners are followed from work to home and that’s actually when the burglaries take place,” Baltimore County Police Det. Trae Corbin told CBS News.

Police said they’ve had five cases in the past few months, WBAL TV reports. They’ve offered a few recommendations to potential targets to help prevent future burglaries.

“One of the main things is always be aware of your surroundings and kind of change up your routine. Don’t always take the same way home from work. People can pick up on that, and criminals prey on those types of opportunities,” Corbin said, according to WBAL TV.

Source : ASAM News