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Police Warn of Growing Trend of Burglaries Targeting Asian Business Owners

The Baltimore County Police Department is alerting Asian American business owners to a growing trend of burglaries targeting their community on a national scale.

About the organized crime: Organized criminal groups are reportedly surveilling businesses to learn owners’ daily routines before breaking into their homes to steal cash and valuables while their victims are working. In Baltimore County, law enforcement has observed over five incidents within a few months. According to the FBI, the targeted victims typically operate businesses that primarily deal in cash transactions.

“This is actually a national trend where we are seeing that Asian business owners are being targeted,” Baltimore County police Det. Trae Corbin told WBAL-TV 11. “They’re having individuals pick up their routine, going to their residence, and then once at their residence, they’re breaking in with the assumption of getting large amounts of currency and/or any valuable items.”

According to police, the thieves unlawfully enter the vehicles of business proprietors during their working hours to find their residential addresses. Then, they either follow the victims to their homes or wait during the victims’ work hours before they break into their residences.

Preventive measures: The Baltimore County Police have advised preventive measures such as installing surveillance cameras, motion sensor lighting and alarm systems at their homes and businesses. They also recommend keeping cars locked, securing registration, being aware of unfamiliar vehicles in the neighborhood and securing valuables in the house.

“One of the main things is always be aware of your surroundings and kind of change up your routine,” Corbin said. “Don’t always take the same way home from work. People can pick up on that, and criminals prey on those types of opportunities.”

The police urge business owners to report any suspicious activity.

Source : Yahoo Finance